Research field: Policy

Bernard Mercer

Bernard is an independent adviser to funders, NGOs and other organisations on environment issues, principally forests and other terrestrial ecosystems and their role within the climate challenge.

Bernard Mercer
Bernard Mercer

Bernard is an independent adviser to funders, NGOs and other organisations on environment issues, principally forests and other terrestrial ecosystems and their role within the climate challenge.

Using ecosystem integrity to maximise climate mitigation and minimise risk in international forest policy

Rules and guidelines that treat forests equally in key international policy frameworks regardless of their risk profiles limit their effectiveness and can facilitate forest degradation. Here we assess the potential for using a framework of ecosystem integrity to guide policy goals.

Rules and guidelines that treat forests equally in key international policy frameworks regardless of their risk profiles limit their effectiveness and can facilitate forest degradation. Here we assess the potential for using a framework of ecosystem integrity to guide policy goals.

Policy brief: Burning forests for energy is not a source clean energy

The recent shift towards using forest biomass burning for energy comes with grave risks of highly perverse outcomes, including increased CO2 emissions and negative impacts on forest ecosystem integrity.

The recent shift towards using forest biomass burning for energy comes with grave risks of highly perverse outcomes, including increased CO2 emissions and negative impacts on forest ecosystem integrity.

Burning forest biomass for energy is a climate own goal

Data from Europe shows that there has been a major increase in the intensification of logging in Europe over the past five to seven years and this could prevent many European nations reaching their emissions reduction targets under the Paris and Glasgow agreements. The same process is now being pushed heavily by certain forest industry lobbyists and government agencies in several Australian states, including Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales.

Using forest biomass for energy is now widespread. Picture: Getty Images
Using forest biomass for energy is now widespread. Picture: Getty Images

Data from Europe shows that there has been a major increase in the intensification of logging in Europe over the past five to seven years and this could prevent many European nations reaching their emissions reduction targets under the Paris and Glasgow agreements. The same process is now being pushed heavily by certain forest industry lobbyists and government agencies in several Australian states, including Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales.

Ang Phuri Sherpa

Ang Phuri Sherpa is the Red Panda Netwok’s Country Director in Nepal.

Ang Phuri Sherpa
Ang Phuri Sherpa

Ang Phuri Sherpa is the Red Panda Netwok’s Country Director in Nepal.

Brendan Rogers

Dr. Rogers investigates how boreal forests are responding to climate change and land use, how this feeds back to climate change, and how management and policy can be used for mitigation and adaptation.

Brendan Rogers
Brendan Rogers

Dr. Rogers investigates how boreal forests are responding to climate change and land use, how this feeds back to climate change, and how management and policy can be used for mitigation and adaptation.

Zoltán Kun

Zoltán has expertise in forest management, protected area design and climate change mitigation in the temperate and boreal zone with particular attention to Europe.

Zoltan Kun
Zoltan Kun

Zoltán has expertise in forest management, protected area design and climate change mitigation in the temperate and boreal zone with particular attention to Europe.

Mary S. Booth

Dr. Mary Booth is the Director of the The Partnership for Policy Integrity (PFPI) and a nationally-recognised advocate known for producing high-quality, data-driven arguments.

Dr. Mary Stuart Booth
Dr. Mary Stuart Booth

Dr. Mary Booth is the Director of the The Partnership for Policy Integrity (PFPI) and a nationally-recognised advocate known for producing high-quality, data-driven arguments.

Tim Cadman

Tim is an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow with the Law Futures Centre and the Institute for Ethics, Governance and Law at Griffith University, Queensland, Australia. Tim has been an academic researcher and teacher since 1996.

Tim Cadman
Tim Cadman

Tim is an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow with the Law Futures Centre and the Institute for Ethics, Governance and Law at Griffith University, Queensland, Australia. Tim has been an academic researcher and teacher since 1996.

Dominick DellaSalla

Dominick is Chief Scientist at Wild Heritage, and former President of the Society for Conservation Biology, North America Section and internationally renowned author of over 200 science papers on forest and fire ecology, conservation biology, endangered species management, and landscape ecology. .

Dominick Dellasala
Dominick Dellasala

Dominick is Chief Scientist at Wild Heritage, and former President of the Society for Conservation Biology, North America Section and internationally renowned author of over 200 science papers on forest and fire ecology, conservation biology, endangered species management, and landscape ecology. .

Cyril Kormos

Cyril is Founder and Executive Director of Wild Heritage, a project of Earth Island Institute. He also serves as IUCN-WCPA Vice-Chair for World Heritage, is a member of IUCN’s World Heritage Panel and chairs the IUCN-WCPA World Heritage Network.

Cyril Kormos
Cyril Kormos

Cyril is Founder and Executive Director of Wild Heritage, a project of Earth Island Institute. He also serves as IUCN-WCPA Vice-Chair for World Heritage, is a member of IUCN’s World Heritage Panel and chairs the IUCN-WCPA World Heritage Network.

Barbara Zimmerman

Barbara is the Director Kayapo Project on behalf of the International Conservation Fund of Canada playing a key role in support of Indigenous Peoples in conservation of very large areas of forest in Brazilian Amazon.

Barbara Zimmerman
Barbara Zimmerman

Barbara is the Director Kayapo Project on behalf of the International Conservation Fund of Canada playing a key role in support of Indigenous Peoples in conservation of very large areas of forest in Brazilian Amazon.

Virginia Young

Virginia is a Director of the International Forests and Climate Programme for the Australian Rainforest Conservation Society (ARCS) working in the international policy arena on primary forests as part of a global collaborative research programme funded through Griffith University. 

Virginia Young
Virginia Young

Virginia is a Director of the International Forests and Climate Programme for the Australian Rainforest Conservation Society (ARCS) working in the international policy arena on primary forests as part of a global collaborative research programme funded through Griffith University. 

International Union for Conservation of Nature Primary Forest Case Study: Boreal Siberia

This case study for the IUCN details the context, values, and threats to primary forests in the Angara region of Siberia, as well as recommended solutions and responses. This is one of several case studies submitted to the IUCN as part of the Primary Forests project.

This case study for the IUCN details the context, values, and threats to primary forests in the Angara region of Siberia, as well as recommended solutions and responses. This is one of several case studies submitted to the IUCN as part of the Primary Forests project.

It’s time to stop pretending burning forest biomass is carbon neutral

Some have argued that against conserving forests, alleging that ‘managing’ forests, including for bioenergy, produces more climate mitigation than letting them grow. However, this conclusion is based on not counting emissions from burning biomass, and other carbon accounting sleight of hand.

Forest logging in Germany - Photo from Unsplash
Forest logging in Germany - Photo from Unsplash

Some have argued that against conserving forests, alleging that ‘managing’ forests, including for bioenergy, produces more climate mitigation than letting them grow. However, this conclusion is based on not counting emissions from burning biomass, and other carbon accounting sleight of hand.

Recognising the importance of unmanaged forests to mitigate climate change

The carbon stock in Europe’s forests is decreasing and the importance of protecting ‘unmanaged’ forests must be recognised in reversing this process. Scientific evidence suggests that ‘unmanaged’ forests have higher total biomass carbon stock than secondary forests being actively managed for commodity production or recently abandoned.

The carbon stock in Europe’s forests is decreasing and the importance of protecting ‘unmanaged’ forests must be recognised in reversing this process. Scientific evidence suggests that ‘unmanaged’ forests have higher total biomass carbon stock than secondary forests being actively managed for commodity production or recently abandoned.