Mary S. Booth

Dr. Mary Booth is the Director of the The Partnership for Policy Integrity (PFPI) and a nationally-recognised advocate known for producing high-quality, data-driven arguments.

Dr. Mary S. Booth is the Director of the The Partnership for Policy Integrity (PFPI). Mary is a nationally-recognised advocate known for producing high-quality, data-driven arguments. An ecosystem scientist by training, she received her doctoral degree in Ecology at Utah State University, focusing on biogeochemistry and plant ecophysiology.

Mary completed postdoctoral fellowships at the Ecosystems Center of the Woods Hole Biological Laboratory and the Earth Institute at Columbia University. Mary’s approach to advocacy was formed at Environmental Working Group, where she served as a Senior Scientist working on water quality. She currently directs the PFPI’s science and advocacy work on greenhouse gas, air pollutant, and forest impacts of biomass energy and has provided science and policy support to hundreds of activists, researchers, and policy makers across the USA and European Union.

The Partnership for Policy Integrity (PFPI) uses science, litigation, policy analysis and strategic communications to promote policies that protect climate, ecosystems, and people.   More about Partnership for Policy Integrity.

Mary's project publications

Forest logging in Germany - Photo from Unsplash

It’s time to stop pretending burning forest biomass is carbon neutral

Some have argued that against conserving forests, alleging that 'managing' forests, including for bioenergy, produces more climate mitigation than letting them grow. However, this conclusion is based on not counting emissions from burning biomass, and other carbon accounting sleight of hand.