Case studies

Case studies

Our program had case studies in tropical and temperate primary forests around the world

A major component of our research approach is to investigate the values and benefits of primary forests, the threats to their ecosystem integrity and the just and sustainable solutions for their protection, through case studies.

Case studies

Each case study involves researchers and practitioners working in collaboration with the forest's Indigenous custodians and local communities. In some case studies, government agencies are also involved as protect partners.

red panda

Cedar Forests of Nepal

Primary forests are essential to the survival of the Red Panda, but they are also used by local communities for subsistence. Building on ten years’ research, the team is working with multi-stakeholders in Nepal and beyond to develop quality-of-governance standards and benefit-sharing mechanisms for forest-based goods and services.

Carpathian Forests, Europe

The Carpathians hold central Europe’s largest remaining tracts of primary and old-growth forests. They are a stronghold for brown bear, wolf, lynx, as well as lesser known endemic species and habitats.
Kayapo woman in forest

Kayapo territory, Brazil

The Brazil case study builds on over 20-year relationship between the International Conservation Fund of Canada and the Kayápo people. The indigenous lands of the Kayápo people are of particular importance as they occupy a solid block of 11 million hectares of Amazonian rainforest and tropical savanna ecoregion.

Ridge-to-reef forests of Melanesia

The Melanesian Pacific Islands of Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Fiji are home to significant areas of customary-owned primary forest. These forests are essential to their culture and livelihood and are inextricably linked to the surrounidng reefs and oceans, but they are under threat from logging and expansion of agriculture.

Équateur, Democratic Republic of Congo

Projet Équateur aims to conserve forests, improve livelihoods and promote sustainable development in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Putting science in to practice, we engage with policy and management structures to test novel community centred approaches to combat deforestation and develop models for a green economy.
Taiga forests aerial

Southern Taiga Ecoregion, Siberia

The Angara region in central Siberia, in Russia, is a hot-spot of deforestation from timber harvest, fires, mining, and hydroelectric construction. Russia holds 20% of global forests and some of the largest remaining tracts of primary forest.

Inland Wetforest, British Columbia

Inland Wetforest, British Columbia is a large area of primary forest amongst the northern Rocky Mountains. This area of forest under threat from deforestation for production of woody biomass (wood pellets) that are shipped to Europe and burned as clean energy.