Woodwell Climate Research Center

Woodwell Climate Research Center

Massachusetts, United States

The Woodwell Climate Research Center is a leading source of climate science that drives the urgent action needed to solve the climate crisis.

The Woods Hole Research Center is an independent research institute where scientists investigate the causes and effects of climate change to identify and implement opportunities for conservation, restoration, and economic development around the world. It is based in Massachusetts in the USA.

The Woods Hole Research Centre will work on the Russian case study together with National Institute of Aerospace.

Dr Brendan Rogers will lead the Russian case study. His work combines ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry and climate science to boreal forests, with a focus on disturbance dynamics such as wild fire and logging in the circumpolar region. He has an active network of collaborators in Russia.

Dr Richard Birdsey co-authored the first and only robust compendium of forest carbon stocks across Russia.

Dr Susan Natali is an expert on carbon cycling in boreal and arctic environments, and has conducted extensive fieldwork in Siberia including the effects of fire on ecosystem carbon stocks.

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Project members

Dr Glenn Bush

Glenn Bush

Dr. Glenn Bush is an environmental economist driven by a desire to find equitable resolutions to the long-standing conflict between human development and environmental conservation.
Brendan Rogers

Brendan Rogers

Dr. Rogers investigates how boreal forests are responding to climate change and land use, how this feeds back to climate change, and how management and policy can be used for mitigation and adaptation.

Joseph Zambo

Joseph is a field researcher for Woodwell Climate Research Center based in Democratic Republic of Congo.
Tatiana Shestakova

Tatiana Shestakova

Tatiana is a post-doctoral researcher at Woodwell Climate Research Center research. Her interests span the fields of terrestrial ecology, stable isotope biogeochemistry, ecosystem modelling and climate change impacts on natural ecosystems.