About Lawrence Rimmer.
Forests Alive is a private company that delivers Biodiverse Carbon and Climate Solutions. The company develops projects that protect native forests under threat and create a source of revenue to landowners, communities or companies engaged in safekeeping forest areas. More about Forests Alive.
Lawrence's project publications
Legal protection of the Amazon: Current and future Trends
The recent Amazon fires of 2019 and 2020 have heightened attention on the region and brought the question of Amazon conservation to the forefront of international debate. The crucial role of primary forests, such as the Amazon, in preventing catastrophic biodiversity loss and climate change is largely recognised in the scientific literature and in policy forums.
REDD+ and forest protection on indigenous lands in the Amazon
This study focuses on REDD+ as a market-based mechanism in the voluntary carbon market. It assesses the viability of using REDD+ on Indigenous lands, in this case the Brazilian Amazon and examines three key aspects of REDD+: the legal, technical and market requirements.