Wild Europe
Stichting, the Netherlands
Originally established in 2005, the Wild Europe initiative promotes a coordinated strategy for protection and restoration of wilderness and large wild areas of natural process and habitat, addressing the threats and opportunities facing them.
Wild Europe was formally launched in 2009 at an EC Presidency conference in Prague which was opened by Vaclav Havel, former Czech President and author of the ‘Velvet Revolution’. It is a partnership providing joint representation, rather than a membership body. We aim to support existing bodies and initiatives but not to duplicate their activities.
The partnership is currently comprised of agencies, NGOs, other institutions and key individuals. Its links reach beyond conservation to seek consensus with farming, forestry, business and urban social interests.
Its goals are:
- To ensure implementation of policy recommendations for wild and wilderness areas from the 2009 Prague EC Presidency conference
- To devise and support initiatives for protection and restoration arising from these
- To promote exchange of best practice in protection, restoration, management and utilization of benefits
- To communicate the concept and value of wildness in Europe to key decision takers