Griffith University
Queensland, Australia
Griffith University opened its doors over 40 years ago, we’ve been deeply connected to the Asian region, socially conscious and environmentally aware, an integral part of the community and heavily industry focused. We’ve also become a comprehensive, research-intensive university, ranking in the top 2% of universities worldwide. The Griffith Climate Change Response Program leads Griffith University's research into climate adaptation and mitigation.
Professor Brendan Mackey is the Director of the Griffith Climate Change Response Program. He is coordinating the project and will also oversee the geographic information system (GIS) and database activities.
Professor Chris Fleming, MBA Director, Office of the Pro Vice Chancellor (Business), and Dr Jim Smart, Griffith School of Environment, from Griffith University are undertaking the micro-economic analysis components of the project.
Dr Heather Keith is leading the modelling of forest carbon dynamics and ecosystem services component of the project. She is also contributing physical metrics to the micro-economic analysis.
Sonia Hugh is responsible for the gathering, analysis and dissemination of boreal and temperate forest data for the project.
Dr Tim Cadman, Research Fellow, Institute for Ethics, Governance and Law (IEGL), is co-project manager of the Nepal case study, and Prof Charles Sampford, Director, IEGJ, advises on issues of integrity and institutional governance relating to the Nepal case study. Sikha Karki from Griffith University is also employed as a Research Fellow on the Nepal case study.